This sweet, beautiful boy needs to have his heart fixed. We had no idea, but a hole that is supposed to close within hours after being born never closed. Thankfully our pediatrician heard a murmur and told us to get it checked out. The following week we had his appointment with the cardiologist and he told us about the problem. This hole is called a PDA and it causes Danny's heart and lungs to work harder than they should. The left side of his heart is enlarged, but all of the damage done by this hole should heal itself with time because he is so young. The plan is that this Friday Sept 30th we will go to Children's hospital to have the hole "fixed". It is a heart catheter procedure where the surgeon places a catheter in the artery of his leg and threads a device into his heart, the blood clots around the device and that is how the hole is closed. Sounds simple & straight forward enough. I would not be so worried, but this is just about the same procedure that Ezekiel had that failed & led to him having emergency open heart surgery. This situation is so much different, Danny is much bigger, it's a different doctor and a different hospital, and Danny is healthier than Zeke was going into surgery. These are the things I am constantly reminding myself every moment.
I will update this site as soon as I can after Danny is awake after recovery.
Thank you for checking in!
Have an awesome day,
The Brothers Buckley
Jeez!!! For cryin' out loud :-/ you guys are due for a whole lot of uneventful years for sure!!!! Let me know if I can help
Christy...I am lifting you tiny guy up in prayer. I am lifting your whole family up in prayer. Love you and want to encourage you to keep putting your trust in the Lord.