Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Patch" Buckley - the heart of Ezekiel!

First we have to say...
WELCOME MEAGAN ELIZABETH!!!  The Brothers are officially BIG cousins.  We love you Meagan, Aunt Mary & Uncle Mike, congratulations!!!

The Brothers are looking very forward to Halloween & can't wait to beg our neighbors for some good "loot"!  Before that happens however, we are going to get the littlest Buckley heart patched!  Ezekiel will be having a catheter procedure on the 20th of October to patch the large hole in his heart.  Hopefully this will solve a number of issues for him.  He is currently on the heels of his second bout with pneumonia.  This one thankfully did not result in any hospital stays.  Zeke has "wet" lungs as a result of the heart defect so these infections happen easily, this should be resolved with the surgery.  His growth is also affected by his heart and hopefully he will start to catch up to his "big" brother!  Recently dubbed "two ton Tony", Matthew weighed in at 11 lb 8 oz and the mighty Zeke weighed in at 8 lb 14 oz at their 5 month weight check (Oct. 5th).
  Matthew is doing sooooo well!  Now cooing, squealing, and babbling to anyone & everyone (hummmm, I wonder where he gets that????) even if no one is listening!  He has also discovered that he can grab!  WOW, what an awesome discovery!
  Danny is...well...he's three.  So he is either super cute or super cranky.  I guess we should call him super Danny!  When Nana told him "you have a temper" his response was "where?" always saying something funny!  He and Gabe and daddy arrived home from the store and I asked him "were you a gentleman in the store?" he gave a very matter of fact answer "nope, a bwat"! (Brat) Well at least he is honest!
  Gabe is also either very good or very much in trouble.  His latest is whispering to Danny what to do & getting him in trouble.  The one I overheard yesterday was "hey Danny...throw your carrots across the table!" of course the little brother does what the leader says!  I have realized that I am raising a barrel of monkeys!!
 They are in fact very awesome & amazing boys & I could not be more grateful to have the honor of raising such beautiful boys, along side of the most beautiful man I have ever known!  Not a day goes by (no matter how hard) that I don't realize just how wonderful this life is!

Much love to you & your families,

The Brothers Buckley!  xoxo

Boxer Zeke

Danny feeding "two ton"

Tio Beto baptizing Ezekiel! God-mama Val & Godfather Scott

 Tio Beto baptizing Matthew! God-mama Rachel & Godfather Mark!


Tio, Mama & Matthew

the big beautiful cake!! (from Nana!)

God-mama Rachel &Matthew

 bouncy time

shirtless Matthew showin' a little shoulder




  1. Oh Christy I'm so glad to hear you're doing so well. I'll be sending all my most positive vibes on the 20th so that hole can get patched up well and Zeke can grow like a weed into a gentleman like the rest of 'em you're raising.

    Love you so much!

  2. Thank you for the pictures! Love those Buckleys! The picture of "happy Zeke" looks JUST like Danny... must be those EYELASHES! So not fair. They are all fabulous, and you are doing a wonderful job. I love you to pieces- thank you for posting!
