Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Please don't do that!!!

I go to visit the tiny two everyday, one time in the morning & once in the afternoon.  My morning visit is the long visit, when I get to hold them & try to feed them and all that lovely stuff.  The afternoon visit is when I have the big boys with me and it's a much shorter visit and the tiny ones are usually sleeping.  My request to the tiny two- PLEASE, when I come to visit & hold & feed & cuddle, DON'T do things to scare me!!  By "things" I mean have a bunch of bradys (a heart deceleration is called a "brady"), desat (oxygen DE saturation), and or turn different scary colors while in a brady or desatThankyouverymuch.  Mommy has a panic attack every time this happens (sometimes 3 or 4 times a visit) and mommy can't handle this!  Okay so maybe I can handle it, it's not that big of a deal in actuality.  The nurses & doctors all say that these things are common for kids their size and they assure me that they will grow out of it.  That does help me feel more at ease, yep...it does, now if I could just stay a bit more calm next time, that would be great!
  They are doing very well & are growing & progressing as they should.  Matthew is now 5lb 5 oz, and Ezekiel is 3lb 11oz!  Zeke is bottle feeding one or two times a day, but it's such hard work for him, he needs his rest to keep up the awesome growing.  Matthew is bottle feeding once or twice a day, and doing okay, he is not quite coordinated enough yet & that's okay.  After all, they are only 36 weeks gestation!  I love them SOOO SOOO much and am very proud of them!  Slow and steady wins the race!

Lots of love to you from "the Brothers Buckley"!!

Ezekiel!!  Keepin' an eye on me!

Oh the sweet Matthew!

Bundled Ezekiel

Snuggle time with Ezekiel!

Look at the Matthew & his big Binky!

I LOVE this one of Matthew!


  1. Oh Christy thank you so much for the update! I figured the newborns were still in the hospital but was somewhat embarrassed when I couldn't answer Elisa's question with 100% certainty. She's been asking to see pictures so I can't wait to share these with her!

  2. Christy no joke the one of you holding Zeke made tears come straight down my face...crying right now. Those boys are so darn sweet I can't take it. Love you!!

  3. Awwww they are both gorgeous boys! Big hugs to you, you are an awesome mommy! :)
