Tuesday, June 29, 2010

This is the week!!!!

This is the week!!!  I will have a house full with all 4 boys HOME!!!  Matthew came home this morning & Ezekiel is coming home on Thursday!  Hooray for the "tiny two"!  So far (all 3 hours) have been going okay, just trying to figure out where everything is going to go.  Matthew had his first bottle at home, ate 50ml's, then proceeded to throw up 30 of it.  Oh well, I hope it goes better later!  The big brothers are excited and out of sorts, but they will eventually adjust.

Zeke will miss you until he comes home too Matthew!

Gettin' ready to go!

Look at Danny's face, ya think he knows his life is going to change?

Home sweet home!

Welcome home Matthew, we are so happy you are here!

Nap time!

Lots of love to you from,
The Brothers Buckley xoxo

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What Daniel createth, Mr. Clean magic eraser taketh away!

Daniel decided he wanted the bathroom door to not be so plain & ordinary, so with BALLPOINT PEN he jazzed it up a bit!

Mr. Clean magic eraser to the rescue...



Here are the pictures of the Brothers that I couldn't get to work yesterday.

Mr. T-ball! the Gabe at bat for "the Rockies"!

Gabriel the firefighter! At the fire muster, so much fun!!

Fight that fire Danny Boy!!

Oh Danny boy

the Gabe!!

The big Brothers!

Look at the almost double chin on Ezekiel!

Matthew dreaming of the jungle!

Lots of love to you from,
The Brothers Buckley!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Brothers sickley!

None of the brothers are feeling so well, boohoo.  Here's the rundown:
   -Ezekiel's respiratory rate is all over the place.  He can't bottle feed when his rate is over 60 & it always seems to be at least 60 when he's awake.  I've watched it go from 34 to 111 in a matter of minutes.  He is so tired & sleeps most of the time, which is probably what he needs most.
   -Matthew is throwing up, not spitting up, throwing up!  He is having such a hard time & it's so sad to see him be so uncomfortable.  We'll see what the Dr's say, we have tried changing his formula and so far that has not yet helped.
   -Danny Boy has a cold & is super cranky.  Snot wiped from his nose onto his cheeks, heaven forbid he learn to use a tissue!! (I know I know, he's only 2...almost 3 but sheeze)  I hope he's over it soon...please...
   -Gabe, well he doesn't really "have" anything, but boy-o-boy it is meltdown city every evening just before bed.  I don't know what his deal is, maybe it's an age thing, a summer thing, a t-ball thing, all I know is it better be an OVER SOON thing!!

I tell ya, mama needs a drink! (teeheehee) Seriously though, I can't stand to see my kiddos struggling and not be able to fix it with my magic mommy wand.  I love ALL my boys to heaven & back and would never trade them for anything, snotty nose, cranky, pukey, tiny fast breathing and all!

  Hope all is well & healthy in your world!

Lots of love to you from,
  The Brothers Buckley

PS- I'll try to post new pictures tomorrow!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Tired Two!

     These boys are sleepin' & sleepin'.  Matthew is just tired, probably because he is growing sooo much so fast.  That's a lot of work ya know!  Matthew is now about 5lb 14oz!  He is trying to eat from a bottle, but it's such hard work!  He has the idea, he just can't quite stay awake enough to eat a whole feed, he literally falls asleep in the middle, (then he sometimes chokes).  "Suck suck suck, breathe, suck suck, breathe, suck su...zzzzzzzzzzzz" seems to be the pattern!  That's okay, you know my motto slow & steady wins the race! 
  Ezekiel gave us a little scare on Sunday, about 2am.  He had a brady & had to be stimulated pretty hard to come out of it!  Thank goodness it was 2am & not when I was there.  So, that gave the Dr's a clear signal that something was not quite right.  They did a CBC (complete blood count) and found that his hematocrit level (red blood cell measurment)(Crit for short) was quite low.  Low crit levels lower the oxygen levels in the blood & cause anemia.  So poor Zeke was (& still is) super tired.  (When he had the transfusions when he was born it was because of this same reason.)  To treat him he was given epogen shots everyday for 5 days & if that didn't bring up the numbers he was going to be treated with another blood transfusion.  But...they did a count early this morning and he was at 29.4 (good levels are in the 30's) so no transfusion!  YEAY!  Ezekiel is now weighing in at about 4lb. 4oz!!!  He looks like a totally different kiddo!  He has not been working on bottle feeds because we want this crit issue to be resolved before going on to the next step.

     The BIG boys are doing super well!!  Gabe started T-ball and it is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!  These kids do so well and all of them are so sweet and super charged about being on a real team!  Danny-boy is the official cheering section for his bro! "GO Briel yeay!!!  Good job BrielHhhhiiiiiiii Briel!"  then Gabe shoots a semi-shy sweet huge smile our way...melts my heart!

  Mommy & Daddy are well too, both in good health, praise God!  We are just soaking it all in and wondering how on earth we got so lucky!  What a life we have, enchanted I tell ya, blessed & happy beyond anything we could ever imagined!  God is good...ALL the time!

Lots of love to you from
The Brothers Buckley!!xoxo

Oh, the sweet boys!

This preemie onesee is BIG on Zeke!

Sometimes Danny gets bored at the NICU...

The latest & greatest "toy" at the Buckley house!
(It was a gift from our wonderful neighbor)

this picture is entitled "Blister"

...oh...CUTE boy!!!

That's a BIG binky for a little boy! (Zeke)

Snuggle time with my tiny Ezekiel

This one is just for perspective

these are the tubes & cords attached to Ezekiel

This is how they get their feeds through the NG tube. 
I want this at home for nighttime feeds!

Zeke feet!

Precious Matthew



Together again!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Please don't do that!!!

I go to visit the tiny two everyday, one time in the morning & once in the afternoon.  My morning visit is the long visit, when I get to hold them & try to feed them and all that lovely stuff.  The afternoon visit is when I have the big boys with me and it's a much shorter visit and the tiny ones are usually sleeping.  My request to the tiny two- PLEASE, when I come to visit & hold & feed & cuddle, DON'T do things to scare me!!  By "things" I mean have a bunch of bradys (a heart deceleration is called a "brady"), desat (oxygen DE saturation), and or turn different scary colors while in a brady or desatThankyouverymuch.  Mommy has a panic attack every time this happens (sometimes 3 or 4 times a visit) and mommy can't handle this!  Okay so maybe I can handle it, it's not that big of a deal in actuality.  The nurses & doctors all say that these things are common for kids their size and they assure me that they will grow out of it.  That does help me feel more at ease, yep...it does, now if I could just stay a bit more calm next time, that would be great!
  They are doing very well & are growing & progressing as they should.  Matthew is now 5lb 5 oz, and Ezekiel is 3lb 11oz!  Zeke is bottle feeding one or two times a day, but it's such hard work for him, he needs his rest to keep up the awesome growing.  Matthew is bottle feeding once or twice a day, and doing okay, he is not quite coordinated enough yet & that's okay.  After all, they are only 36 weeks gestation!  I love them SOOO SOOO much and am very proud of them!  Slow and steady wins the race!

Lots of love to you from "the Brothers Buckley"!!

Ezekiel!!  Keepin' an eye on me!

Oh the sweet Matthew!

Bundled Ezekiel

Snuggle time with Ezekiel!

Look at the Matthew & his big Binky!

I LOVE this one of Matthew!