Friday, May 28, 2010

It's a big deal!

It's a big deal...everything.  I was thinking the other day about how everything with the "tiny two" is a big deal, both in good ways and in complicated ways.  Just getting them out to hold them, at one point Ezekiel had an IV, oxygen, 3 leads and his NG tube...that's 6 wires/tubes and I think it all weighed more than he did! Now he doesn't have an IV, but he still has the rest & it's a big deal to get him out to hold him for a little while.  I am looking very forward to being able to see their little faces & hold their sweet little bodies with no tubes & wires.  That will indeed be a day of celebration!!  I don't know when that will happen, but slow and steady wins the race!  Every ounce they gain is a big deal and makes a big difference.  Trying to give one of them a bath is a big deal.  Changing Ezekiel's diaper for me is a big deal, he is so tiny it's hard to do, plus I am so nervous sometimes it makes me shake.  Any stimulation for them is hard for them to process, so things like light, touch, hearing voices, is a big deal to them and it wares them out very fast.  Trying to eat from a bottle is a big deal.  The fact that they are here, doing so well, and have no major problems is a BIG DEAL!!!  We are so very grateful for all the Brothers!  I never did anything to deserve this beautiful amazing family, I have been given MUCH more than I deserve & I will spend my life happily and gratefully in the service of my blessings!  Praise God!

  Here's the health update:
  Ezekiel is now over THREE pounds!!! YEAY!!!  He is about 3lb 3 oz!  He is still on a little oxygen, Dr. Toney says that's very common for kids his size.  It's hard for him to digest and keep up his blood oxygen, plus, when his tiny tummy is full (a whole 1.5oz) his stomach pushes on his lungs which makes it harder to breathe deeply.  All of this he will grow out of, all he needs is time, rest & to grow!

  Matthew is out of his isolette & into a "crib" (an open little bed).  He has to work now to regulate his body temperature, all by himself, what a big boy!  He is growing fast, he is now up to 4lb, 10 oz!!!  He also gets to have one of his leads off, the one that shows his oxygen level.  They only monitor that twice a day now.  He is also trying to eat from a bottle, he seems to be only kind of interested, taking only a tiny bit at a time.  He will get the hang of it when he's ready.

  The big boys are doing well & are happily outside a lot with this wonderful weather!!  I told Gabriel the other day to "please stop making that noise" and his response was "yes princess"!!! They have decided that since I am the only girl in our family that I am the princess...VERY SMART BOYS!!! Tehehe! They also say that they are my guards, I LOVE it!  No better guards than sons, don't ya think?
 Thank you for taking the time to read this!  Have a wonderful day & many blessings to you!
Lots of love from The Brothers Buckley!

I will post pictures when I figure out how to get to them!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

They're here, they're here!!!!

The "tiny two" are here!  Born May 5th, 2010 12:42 & 12:45pm. Weighing in at 3lbs 14 oz, the baby formerly known as "A", Matthew Anthony (yeah...cheers...)!  And weighing in at 2lbs 5 oz, the baby formerly known as "B", Ezekiel Michael (hooray...cheers...)!  They are in very good health considering they were born at 32 weeks gestation, which means they are 6-8 weeks early.  Ezekiel had three blood transfusions the 24 hours after he was born & there were no complications.  He had lost blood "in utereo" at some point and we still don't know where or how & we may never know, the important thing is that he did not bleed internally & his blood counts are looking very good now!  Matthew has a little heart murmur, but at this point it is not causing any problems & should heal itself.  They were not on any oxygen, but now that "Zeke" is getting feeds, his oxygen saturation dips sometimes, he is on the lowest setting & this is normal for a baby his size.  Zeke gets 5ml's of breast milk every 3 hours (via tube feed) & that is going up everyday as he seems to be tolerating it very well!  Matt is a hungry little man & because he is bigger he started his feeds days earlier (via tube feed) and is now up to 34 ml's every 3 hours!  Zeke has gained 2 oz since birth & Matt is almost back up to his birth weight (he lost a little as most newborns do).
  Big brothers are doing well & excited to have me home after spending 4 weeks in the hospital on bed rest.  They are very sensitive these days & quite clingy, both totally understandable.  They have been such big brave boys and I am sooooo very proud of them!!!  Mike of course is the champ!  He wins husband & Daddy of the year hands down!  Though my time in the hospital was a special kind of torture for all of us, the big boys & daddy have bonded even stronger together & that will last a lifetime!  I am so grateful for so many things, but most of all I am grateful for ALL my boys!!!

Daddy is ready to go!!!

Look at the tiny Ezekiel, sooo precious...

Oh, there's the wee Matthew!

Here's Matthew with all his gear.

The BIG boys enjoying Mommy's bed & cable!

Mommy gets to hold Matthew for the 1st time!

Ezekiel under the "billi" lights

Mommy holding Matthew & Gabe saying HI!

Look at that sweet Ezekiel! Sweet dreams my lovie!